Wednesday 3 December 2008

Suiwerheid van teologie is op die spel

Suid-Afrika is tegelyk 'n multi-kulturele én multi-religieuse land, bestaande uit verskillende kultuurgemeenskappe wat dinge nié altyd eenders sien en vertolk nie. Een daarvan is die Christelike geloofsterrein.

'n Kritieke vraag is : Durf Protestants-gereformeerde Christene die kultureel-bepaalde interpretasies van die Evangelie binne individuele kultuurgemeenskappe ignoreer?

In sy boek, Dominee, Are You Listening to the Drums?, sê A.S. van Niekerk : "Theology should pay attention to cultures...(and) Communication takes place in a cultural context ; the source of the message, the message itself and the receptor are all part of a cultural framework."  Verder : "...the theologies, philosophies and problems of Africa should also be allowed to play a role in shaping a truly South African theology...(and) Africa should become a partner in...this indigenous theology (therefore)...there will have to be co-operation between White (European) and Black (African) theology."

Dit plaas prof. Piet Naudé se vroeëre opmerking in skerper fokus wanneer hy sê : "As Khayelitsha en Stellenbosch, Bloemfontein en Botshabelo, Tukkies en Alexandra nie met mekaar versoen word nie, sien hy (Naudé) nie 'n oplossing nie" (DB,08.10.2008).

Van Niekerk blameer die  "wit teologie"   -   beperk tot 'n oorwegend  "wit konteks"   -   vir  "...a Black theology (to) come into existence to reflect a Black context. This theology aims at Black liberation, it rejects Western standards and examines African tradition for an alternative theological framework and for  'a totally new social order'."  En verder : "...the desperate suffering of Blacks...are to be blamed not only on the Whites but also on  'the White man's God'."

Is dit Bybels aanvaarbaar dat daar 'n  "alternative truly indigenous South African theological framework"  vir Christengelowiges ge-"shape" sal word? Is dit waarheen die  "nuwe teologie", onder meer, met die kerk op pad is? Indien wel, plaas dit teologiese suiwerheid op die spel, en sê ek nee dankie vir kerklike eenwording op dié sinkretistiese teologiese fondament.

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